Wednesday, November 3, 2010

katakana analysis draft

Ramen ラーメン。
わたしはにほんラーメンがどてもすきです。I have always been wondering why we use katakana for Ramen although it is a Japanese だべもの。According to textbook, Katakana is mainly used to write the words borrowed from other languages, onomatopoeia, and words the writer wishes to emphasize. I had a research on the origin of ラーメン and found out that ラーメン was adapted from China. ラーメンis 拉麺 in Chinese meaning 拉(Pulled)-麺(Noodle) and it is pronounced ‘La mian.’ I assume that ‘Ramen’ is Japanese pronunciation of the word, 拉麺. Ramen has become a popular/traditional dish in Japan and known as a Japanese food. However, because of its Chinese origin Ramen is written in katakana. Also, in my personal view, using katakana for Ramen is more effective in attracting people. I guess back in those days when the Ramen was first introduced in Japan, it was sold only in Restaurants. In order to attract more customers, people adapted it into katakana because ラーメン is easier to recognize and more fashionable than in hiragana,ら-めん or in kanji. :)

The second example of using katakana is the phrase ココウレシイポイント!. It literally means here, happy point! I went to Sanrio store in Time Sq and bought a cute Hello Kitty wallet. The phrase was found in a small card inside of the wallet. In this context, katakana is used to emphasize the words. It could have written in hiragana of course but to appeal and attract the customer more it is adapted into katakana. For me at least, it really worked. I feel like I am earning ‘happy points’ as I use this wallet. -Not actual points of course but maybe.. happy thoughts?


  1. I also like Japanese ラーメン!! I agree with your opinion that katakana words are more effective in attracting people. However, I think that katakana words, especially food like “ステーキ(steak)” “ウインナー(Vienna sausage)” are used to distinguish Japanese food from original one. Japanese people often change foreign original taste to Japanese one, which is expressed in Katakana word.
    Also, as you said, katakana is used in phrase to emphasize the words. However, the whole sentence written in katakana sounds odd or strange, for example “アナタハ ダレデスカ?( Who are you?)” , which is like alien or foreigner’s utterance. I think that katakana can emphasize the phrase or word because its sound is not just like Japanese sound and it is used for translating foreign language to Japanese.

  2. I am interested in your Katakana analysis about "Ramen ラーメン". I frequently go to Japanese ramen restaurant, Ippudo and Sapporo. But I didn't recognize that "ramen" writes in Katakana. I think even though Japane adapt ramen from China so that they use Katakana ラーメン, Japanese change the original taste to their own taste. That's why Japanese "ramen" is one of the most popular food over the world.

  3. カタカナはべんりですね!私もラーメンが好きです。 Ramen now seems so inherently Japanese that seeing it written in katakana is the only thing that makes me realize it was not always so. The lesson in れきし (history) on your blog was really interesting :) And it's great how you brought up the fact that カタカナ is also often used to highlight the words and make them stand out from the original Japanese writing. It could definitely be used as a marketing technique like you described in your Hello Kitty wallet experience - とてもかわいいですね!

  4. 日本語でたくさんカタカナがありますね。でも、私は「ココウレシイポイント」がわかりません。I agree with your analysis that this phrase is written in Japanese in order to provide emphasis. There are so many examples of this. It seems, that katakana is often used in order to make a word or phrase more bold or cute. However, I am a bit confused about what ココウレシイポイント means as a statement. I interpreted it as meaning 「ここはうれしいポイント」(This location is a happy point). How exactly do you interpret it?

  5. Yeonkyung jjang!
    Very interesting analysisですね!! :)))
    I didn't know that ramen was adapted from China
    Now I realize why Prof. Hamada wrote ramen in katakana on my oral draft.
    いま わかります。ありがとう。
    わたしは にほんの ラーメンが だいすきですよ。
    Ippudo レストランへ もう いきましたか。
    Ippudoヘ いきましょう!
